Legacy VSX URLs do not redirect to correct VMware Marketplace product details page


VMware engineering team will be updating a banner on marketplace.cloud.vmware.com to redirect users who are still accessing the old URLs. This is the final notification for this incident.

Start Time: September 16, 2020 22:15 UTC End Time: September 17, 2020 03:30 UTC

Impact: None


VMware engineering team has proposed a Workaround to search for the solution on VMware Marketplace instead of using the bookmarked/saved legacy URLs.

Start Time: September 16, 2020 22:15 UTC End Time: N/A

Impact: Users may not be able to use legacy URLs.


VMware engineering teams are currently aware of an issue in which legacy URL's are not being redirected properly in VMware marketplace. The listings are still available in the Marketplace and can be searched easily from VMware Marketplace homepage. VMware engineering teams are actively working on a resolution. More updates will be provided as available.

Start Time: September 16, 2020 22:15 UTC End Time: N/A

Impact: Users may not be able to use legacy URLs.


The VMware Cloud Marketplace service is experiencing an issue. VMware Engineering is investigating the service disruption and will continue to update as we have more information.

Start Time: September 16, 2020 22:15 UTC End Time: N/A

Impact: Users may not be able to access the services.

Began at:

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